Hello friends,
There’s so much going on right now, I wanted to provide you a little update in terms of what’s going on in Michael David Wilson world. As you no doubt remember, Bob Pastorella and I released our collaborative novel, They’re Watching in Halloween 2020. Since then, we’ve released an audiobook version, narrated by the always excellent RJ Bayley. He was also responsible for narrating my critically acclaimed debut The Girl in the Video and This Is Horror novella Water For Drowning by Ray Cluley. If you want any or all of those audiobooks, as a Michael David Wilson fan (or at the very least reader of this website), I’ll give you them for free. Email me at michael@thisishorror.co.uk and let me know which books you want and whether you want them from Audible UK or Audible US. Don’t be shy, it doesn’t matter who you are or whether you’ve claimed any of these offers in the past—everyone is more than welcome.
And if you like my work, do feel free to leave a review of The Girl in the Video and/or They’re Watching over on Amazon and/or Goodreads.
The Girl in the Video on Goodreads
They’re Watching on Audible US
They’re Watching on Audible UK
What I’m Working On Now
Collaborative Project with Bob Pastorella
There are a lot of irons in the fire, as the old cliche goes. Bob Pastorella and I just wrapped up the first draft of a brand new collaborative project. It’s something we’re very excited about and when the time is right there’ll be more news on it. That’s all I can say for now, but it’ll be worth your collective waits.
House of Bad Memories
I’m currently shopping around my latest novel, House of Bad Memories. This started off life as a modest novella and is now a 75,000 word-plus novel. It’s probably the most ambitious thing I’ve written. I’m pitching it as PRISONERS meets THIS IS ENGLAND, a darkly comic thriller with an edge-of-your-seat climax.
One-liner: A stay-at-home dad is taken hostage by his unstable half-sister and must uncover the cause of her sociopathic father’s death, defeat his own childhood demons, and negotiate his freedom.
Short Story Collection
I’m also almost ready to shop around my first short story collection. This consists of a number of previously published pieces, originals, and expansions of previously published pieces. A lot of the expanded stories first appeared on the wonderful The Other Stories Podcast but word limits cut them a little short of my original vision.
Collaborative novel with John Crinan
Oh boy, where to even start with Inemuri, my collaborative novel with John Crinan. Imagine Quentin Tarantino and David Lynch directed a version of John Wick penned by Haruki and Ryu Murakami. Inemuri is a dream-like story set in a sleep cafe, located deep in the criminal underbelly of modern-day Japan.
New Novel
And if all of that isn’t enough I’m starting to plan a brand new solo novel. I’m taking the James Altucher approach of ‘if you can’t think of one great idea, think of 20 ideas’. I’m at the planning stage and seeing what sticks but I’m excited to jump into something fresh in July when I’ll be starting a brand new writing challenge over on This Is Horror Podcast Patreon.
Speaking of This Is Horror Podcast, the next time I write here, I’ll let you know what’s going on in This Is Horror land, but if you want more This Is Horror and MDW updates, the best thing you can do is sign up to the This Is Horror newsletter and follow us on Twitter @thisishorror.
Have a great day, folks!
Michael David Wilson